When should I be careful about consuming Jiaogulan?
Very little information is available on how gynostemma might affect an infant or a small child. Therefore, its use is not recommended for pregnant or expecting mothers,while breastfeeding or during early childhood
How much Jiaogulan should I consume?
For most people, the simple answer is, "as much as you want". Please note the exceptions mentioned above. We recommend 4 to 8 cups per day of tea. If taking jiaogulan in capsule form the recommendation is usually 2 to 6 capsules twice daily.
I don't care for hot tea in the warm weather. Can I prepare Jiaogulan as an iced tea?
Jiaogulan is a refreshing iced tea. Just prepare the tea as normal and then chill or try preparing it as a sun tea.
Can I eat the leaves?
Yes. Most people find they have a pleasant taste.
My tea is bitter, what went wrong?
Our sweet variety of jiaouglan will only taste bitter in the case of over-brewing. Over-brewing is the result of either too much dried leaf being used, too long of brewing time or water temperature being too high. Please see our brewing tips page for our recommendations.